Bioceros develops monoclonal antibodies as a division of Polpharma Biologics Group

Opublikowany: 27.11.2019

Dr. Louis Boon, Chief Scientific Officer of Bioceros (division of Polpharma Biologics Group), talked about Bioceros CHOBC® own platform and explains how SPOT & SLIM technology boost specific productivity and make the process more efficient.

Speaking at BIO-Europe® 2019 in Hamburg, Dr. Boon cited two recent partnerships, one with Sandoz for commercialization of a Natalizumab biosimilar, and an agreement with Coherus. Bioceros’ services are available on a modular basis, fully adjustable to clients’ requests, working together with Polpharma Biologics to offer a truly integrated biopharmaceutical one-stop-shop approach.

For more information, listen to an interview with Dr. Louis Boon:

Watch full video here

written by: Polpharma Biologics

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