Polpharma Biologics at IMPACT CEE

Published: 11.07.2024

On May 15 and 16, representatives of Polpharma Biologics took part in IMPACT CEE - the largest economic and technological congress in Central and Eastern Europe. It was a whirlwind of productive meetings and thought-provoking discussions, fostering truly impactful experiences and insights.

Konstantin Matentzoglu, Supervisory Board Member of Polpharma Biologics, participated in a panel discussion “From risk to remedy – Polish biotech's answers to sustain stable drug and diagnostics supply during shortages”. Piotr Korycki, President of the Management Board PB SA, joined a roundtable for in-depth discussion “Patient first - A revolution in the approach to healthcare in Poland”

Links with photos and information are available on our company profile on LinkedIn:



Gain valuable insights from Konstantin Matentzoglu!

“Poland has the resources to become resilient against global supply chain disruptions resulting in drug shortages. It’s time to discuss the “how” between business and policymakers. Jointly, we can identify opportunities at both national and European levels”, said Konstantin during a discussion panel with Katarzyna Rolle (Polish Academy of Sciences) and Dariusz Adamusiński (MedTech Polska).

Watch the recording of the entire discussion panel “From risk to remedy – Polish biotech's answers to sustain stable drug and diagnostics supply during shortages”, in which Konstantin participated:

A revolution in the approach to healthcare in Poland

Everyone has their own revolution. We see ours in several areas:

“Our revolution is in the fact that we produce biological drugs that redefine the approach to patient treatment.

Our revolution is in the fact that a Polish company has developed and produces two biological drugs available on global markets.

Our revolution is in the fact that we have built a biotechnology company in a country that had had no biotechnology tradition. We are creating a national biotechnology specialization by designing knowledge transfers between specialists and supporting universities”.

These were the theses presented by Piotr Korycki at a roundtable meeting with health representatives from business, administration and academia during Impact CEE. It was interesting and fruitful discussion! Thank you!

written by: Polpharma Biologics

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